With Love for All of Our Client Dogs

With Love for All of Our Client Dogs

Our pledge to the dogs we support

We will always appreciate the joy you bring as companions, and cherish how much happiness and light you bring to our lives.

We will never scare, hurt, or intimidate you.

We will never use aversive tools or equipment that does the same.

The Social Imperative of Socialization

The Social Imperative of Socialization

Puppies have a short window in their early lives in which they are impressionable - they soak up different situations and experiences at a faster, more sponge-like rate than if they are exposed to these later in life. Once this window closes up, teaching your puppy the world is mostly safe isn’t impossible, but, if that window is missed, it generally takes much longer to get an older dog comfortable with novelty.

Playing Tug with Your Dog

Playing Tug with Your Dog

For dogs who are hard to tire out and love toys, playing tug is an excellent way to burn both physical and mental energy. This game is not so much about discipline and control, as a legal outlet for good plain fun. Just as it’s a basic need for humans to carouse from time to time, your dog also deserves to kick up their heels and paint the town from time to time!

Like all games, this one comes with a few simple rules that everyone agrees to and understands. A nice side effect of teaching your dog how this works is that your dog will learn the valuable skill of being able to cool their jets on a dime.

Working from Home with Your Dog

Working from Home with Your Dog

When the COVID-19 emergency began, many people were asked to work from home, to the resultant joy and ecstasy of many dogs! Spending more time at home hasn’t necessarily meant having more free time for our favorite pooches, though. In fact, some people may have been scrambling and working more hours in order to adapt to unforeseen pandemic-related challenges and a new reality. If you’re one of those people for whom working from home hasn’t necessarily meant more time for your dog, here are a few suggestions for you, as well as some ideas for preparing your dog for the day you have to return to working in the office.

Bringing Home a New Friend

Bringing Home a New Friend

Twelve years ago, I fell in love with a quiet, meek yellow fraidy-dog who had, ironically, been named by his previous owner, “Argonaut” after the bold sailor Jason. I was a volunteer groomer at an animal shelter, and every week when I saw his name was on the bath list, I eagerly sought him out. At first, he had to be carried into the room, because he was too scared to walk….

Training in the Winter Time

Training in the Winter Time

“A tired dog is a good dog.”

This age-old saying is a well-known adage for good reason. As winter approaches and daylight time decreases, many young, healthy dogs may find their outdoor time constrained. This in turn can lead to excess energy which translates into a slew of common behavior complaints such as barking, jumping and chewing. Training and exercising your dog can be a tremendous challenge when it’s bitterly cold outside….

Top 10 Things Dogs Love

Top 10 Things Dogs Love

Looking for ideas how to put a smile on your dog’s face? Dogs are often easy to please, but sometimes one of life’s simplest and most satisfying pleasures comes from thoughtfully adding an activity to your dog’s life. Even if it’s only taking that extra golden moment to snuggle with them on the couch and give them smooches... Below is a list of things many dogs love (keeping in mind, of course, that not all dogs will be into every single thing on this list!)….